- Till Walbaum; Andreas Liem; Thomas Schreiber; Ramona Eberhardt; Andreas Tünnermann, Measurement and removal of cladding light in high power fiber systems, Proc. SPIE Volume 10513 (2018)
- Natascia Castagna, Jacques Morel, Edward Robinson, Hui Yang, Traceable instruments for Encircled Angular Flux measurements, SPIE Proceedings Volume 10683 (2018)
- Natascia Castagna, Jacques Morel, Luc Testa, Sven Burger, Modelling of standard and specialty fibre-based systems using finite element methods, Proc. SPIE 2018
- Maksim Shpak, Sven Burger, Ville Byman, Kimmo Saastamoinen, Mertsi Haapalainen, Antti Lassila, Online measurement of optical fibre geometry during manufacturing, Proc. SPIE 2018
- Marek Šmíd, Geiland Porrovecchio, Malcolm G. White, Nathan A. Tomlin, Igor Vayshenker, Christopher S. Yung, John H. Lehman, Carbon nanotube planar absorber cryogenic bolometer as a novel primary absolute standard detector for optical power measurements for fibre optics and photonics, SPIE Proceedings Volume 10683 (2018),
- Irshaad Fatadin, Calibration of Estimated BER from Error Vector Magnitude with Carrier Phase Recovery, Recent Adv Photonics Opt 2017, Vol.1, issue 1
- F. Beier et al., Measuring thermal load in fiber amplifiers in the presence of transversal mode instabilities, Optics Letters, Volume 42, Issue 21, p. 4311
- M. Hammerschmidt, M. Weiser, X. Garcia Santiago, L. Zschiedrich, B.Bodermann, S. Burger, Quantifying parameter uncertainties in optical scatterometry using Bayesian inversion, Proc. SPIE 10330, 1033004 (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2270596
- José Luis de Miguel, Juan Galindo-Santos, Concepción Pulido de Torres, Pedro Salgado, Pedro Corredera y Aitor V. Velasco, Experimental Demonstration of Low-Uncertainty Calibration Methods for Bragg Grating Interrogators, Sensors,doi: 10.3390/s18061895
- Hugh Podmore, Alan Scott, Pavel Cheben, Aitor V. Velasco, Jens H. Schmid, Martin Vachon, and Regina Lee, A compressive-sensing Fourier-transform spectrometer chip using subwavelength grating waveguides, Optic Letters, doi: 10.1364/OL.42.001440
- Alaine Herrero-Bermello, Aitor V. Velasco, Hugh Podmore, Pavel Cheben, Jens H. Schmid, Siegfried Janz, María L.Calvo, Dan-Xia Xu, and Pedro Corredera, Temperature dependence mitigation in stationary Fourier-transform on-chip spectrometers, Optics Letters, doi: 10.1364/OL.42.002239
- A. Herrero-Bermello, J. L. de Miguel, A. V. Velasco, J. Galindo-Santos, P. Corredera, Spatial resolution and measuement error calibration for optical fibre distributed temperature sensors, Optica pura y aplicada
- D. González-Andrade, J. G. Wangüemert-Pérez, A. V. Velasco et al., Ultra-broadband mode converter and multiplexer based on sub-wavelength structures, IEEE Photonics Journal
Irshaad Fatadin, Estimation of BER from Error Vector Magnitude for Optical Coherent Systems, Photonics 2016, 3(2), 21; doi: 10.3390/photonics3020021
- Milos Nedeljković, Aitor V. Velasco, Ali Khokhar, Andre Delage, Pavel Cheben, and Goran Mashanovich, Mid-Infrared Silicon-on-Insulator Fourier-Transform Spectrometer Chip, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Dataset doi: 10.5258/SOTON/383407
- Aitor V. Velasco, Juan Galindo-Santos, Pavel Cheben, María L. Calvo, Jens Schmid, Andre Delage, Dan-Xia Xu, Siegfried Janz, Pedro Corredera, Temperature drift compensation in Fourier-transform integrated micro-spectrometers, Optica pura y aplicada, doi: 10.7149/OPA.48.4.283
Conference presentations and posters
- Poster Modelling of standard and specialty fibre-based systems using finite element methods, SPIE Photonics Europe 2018
- Poster Improved method for coating geometry measurement in optical fibre manufacturing, Maksim Shpak, Sven Burger et al., Optics & Photonics Days 2018
- Light Management for Engineering Luminescence in Nanoscale Environments by Numerical Optimization, 233rd ECS Meeting, US, May 2018
- Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications, SPIE Photonics west 2018, France, Session Applications and Metrology
- Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications, SPIE Photonics west 2018, France, Session PHOTIND EMPIR European Project
- Improved method for coating geometry measurement in optical fibre manufacturing, Optics & Photonics Days 2018, Finland, April 2018
- Online measurement of optical fibre geometry during manufacturing, SPIE Photonics West 2018, France, Apr 2018
- Device characterisation for THz wireless links, SPIE Photonics West 2018, France, Apr 2018
- Engineering Light Emission in Nanoscale Environments by Numerical Optimization, Nanolight 2018 Conference Benasque, Spain, March 2018
- Spectrally Efficient SSB signals for W-band Links Enabled by Kramers-Kronig Receiver, OFC 2018, US, Mar 2018
- Measurement and removal of cladding light in high power fiber systems, SPIE Photonics West LASE 2018, US, Jan 2018
- Scatterometric methods for online optical fibre geometry measurement, Macroscale 2017, Finland, Oct 2017
- Photonics Club of Tartu University presentation, annual meeting Estonia, Nov 2017
- Recent advances in average power scaling of fibres, SPIE Security and Defence, Poland, Sep 2017
- Quantifying paramenetr uncertainties in optical scatterometry using Bayesian Inversion, SPIE, Germany, June 2017
- Recent advances in on-chip Fourier transform spectrometers, ICTON, Spain, July 2016
- An international intercomparison of THz time-domain spectrometers, 41st Int. Conference on IEEE, Denmark, Sep 2016
- The manufacture of complex micro-optical elements on the ends of optical fibres using a Focused Ion Beam Microscope, Nano Optics Int. Conference 2016, Paris
- Implementación y caracterización de un oscilador óptico en rubidio atómico
para metrología de frecuencias, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016 - Métodos de calibración de interrogadores de redes de Bragg en FO, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016
- Dispositivos fotónicos para espectroscopía integrada, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016
- Experimental sea temperature measurement by distributed FBG sensors, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016
- Calibración de medidores de potencia en fibra en el intervalo VIS-NIR, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016
- Calibración de células de absorción como referencias de longitud de onda, poster CSIC, SINFOTON 2016 Spain, Oct 2016
- On-line dimensional characterisation of optical fibres during drawing proces, VTT presentation, EPIC Photonics Tech Watch 2016, Germany Oct 2016
- BER Estimation from EVM for QPSK and 16-QAM Coherent Optical Systems, NPL and CMI presentation, ICP 2016 Malaysia, Mar 2016
- Mid IR Applications of Si Photonics, CSIC presentation at OECC/PS2016, Japan, July 2016
- Towards temperature scale and resolution calibration of optical time domain reflectometers, CSIC presentation, Simposio de Metrología, Mexico, Sept 2016
- Athermalization of silicon-waveguide Fourier-transform microspectrometers, CSIC presentation, URSI, Spain, Sep 2016
- Group-IV material waveguides, spectrometers and modulators for mid-infrared wavelengths, CSIC presentation, EMN, Czech Republic, April 2016
- Fourier-transform on-chip microspectrometers, CSIC presentation, PIERS, China, Aug 2016
- Spatial Heterodyne Fourier-transform Spectroscopy: from fundamentals to array waveguide interferometers, CSIC, presentation, METAS Spain, July 2016
- Subwavelength grating engineered metamaterial waveguide structures for silicon photonic integrated circuits Subwavelength-engineered interferometer arrays for Fourier-transform spektrometry, CSIC, presentation, METAS Spain, July 2016
- Subwavelength-engineered interferometer arrays for Fourier-transform spektrometry, CSIC, presentation, METAS Spain, July 2016
- Passive thermal compensation in Fourier transform waveguide microspectrometers, CSIC poster, Photonics North, Canada, May 2016
- Waveguide interferometer arrays for on-chip Fourier spectroscopy, CSIC presentation, Photonics North, Canada, May 2016
- Temperature drift compensation in high-resolution Fourier-transform spectrometers, CSIC poster, Feria de Otoño SINFOTON, Spain, Oct 2015
- Metrology for Photonics Manufacture, VTT presentation, Optics & Photonics Days 2016, Finland, May 2016
- PhotInd project presentation at EOSAM 2016, A. Lassila et al, European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Germany, Sept 2016
- Fibers – The highways of the information society, UT presentation at Conference for PhD students in Natural Sciences 2016, Estonia, March 2016
- Measurement and modelling of laser scattering from transversely illuminated optical fibres, M. Shpak, S. Burger, K. Saastamoinen, M. Haapalainen, A. Lassila, Poster at Optics & Photonics Days 2016, Finland May 2016
PhD Thesis
- Juan Galindo, Metrología óptica de frecuencias. Síntesis, análisis y aplicación de referencias ópticas, CSIC